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Tag: floor length anarkali suit

How I styled my look “ all blue”

Hey guys,

This blog is about how I styled my look “ all blue”. I really like to mix clothes from my closet and create my own style. This way I can use the same clothes multiple times, but with a different style/look.


I have blogged about my gold and blue floor length anarkali suit. I have created a new look by using the same coat from the anarkali suit.


Photo by Vathanan Kumarathurai Photography

To this look, I used a gold V-crop top from Nelly. For couple of months ago, I ordered few crop tops from Nelly, to use as saree blouse. This is one of them.

This blue maxi skirt with a small gold border is bought from Sri Lanka. I bought this maxi skirt in 2 different colours, I bought the skirts to use as Lengha.

I didn’t buy the top and skirt to create this look. These clothes were already in my closet. I always get inspired by the clothes and jewlery I have in my closet. For me it’s very important, the clothes I wear are comfortable. It’s make me feel relaxed. Try to mix your clothes and see what you create. 🙂

Have a nice evening.

All blue:)


Hello darlings,

Hope you guys are enjoying the weekend.

This is my wedding outfit from friday. The whole family attended to a tamil hindu wedding, it was a childhood friend’s wedding.

What u guys think of this outfit?



White Embroidered Floor Length Anarkali Suit


It’s fall holiday, and it’s nice to be home and not thinking about work. I have spent some quality time with kids and their cousins. The kids have been staying up late and there hasn’t been any rules this week.The girls love to spent time with their cousins, and they’re already looking forward to the next holiday.

This is my wedding outfit from last weekend. I bought this beautiful white embroidered floor length anarkali suit in Sri Lanka. It’s was love at first sight. The details are so beautiful. My 4 year daughter has already said, that she want this dress when she grow up. I actually bought this anarkali suit as a gift to my big sister, but she didn’t use the dress. So I borrowed it from her. I am not sure, that she want the dress back.<3 FullSizeRender_2





I seriously miss my photographer – Vathanan Kumarathurai Photography, he is too busy with his photography jobs. But anyway a big thanks to Duddi for these pics.

Floor length anarkali suit

Floor length anarkali suit
I lørdags var børnene og jeg til bryllup i Herning og denne gang var det Surenth og Luxy, som sagde ja til hinanden. Det var simpelthen så dejligt at være med til et bryllup uden at skulle stå for noget. Efter søsters bryllup i august måned, så har jeg besluttet, at jeg magter kun et bryllup om året i familien. Det er hårdt arbejde at arrangere et tamilsk bryllup, men skønt at se, hvordan familie og venner træder til for at gøre dagen fantastisk for brudeparret. Det er helt almindeligt for os tamiler at holde kæmpe bryllupper med 500-1000 gæster. Det er hårdt arbejde og mange mennesker, men jeg nyder især den del, hvor familien samles og har tiden sammen. Det værdsætter man meget, når man også har familie i udlandet, som man ikke har mulighed for at besøge så ofte.
Jeg havde til denne begivenhed valgt et krise- outfit, da jeg af dovenskab ikke havde fået syet sareeblouse. Derfor valgte jeg dette floor length anarkali suit til brylluppet.
Floor length anarkali suit
Floor length anarkali suit
Billederne er taget af vathanan photography
Jeg er taknemmelig for at mine søskende altid sørger for at shoppe en kuffert med til mig, når de er ude og rejse. Jeg nyder igen, at klæde skabet er fyldt med nyt tamilsk/ indisk tøj. Jeg har det evige problem med plads til al mine klæder, men det problem må jeg nok lære at leve med:)

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