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Tag: snack

Spicy Chickpeas

Hi guys, hope you all had a good weekend. I had a fantastic weekend and have been eating very unhealthy last week. So today will be a good start for my sugar-light lifestyle and today I will show you an easy and healthy snack recipe.

Chickpeas are such a great way to easily sneak protein and fiber into your diet. My mom used to make a Tamil spicy dish out of chickpeas, but I can’t make it daily. Snacking on Chickpeas will never be boring for me and I would be able to eat it everyday.


I can’t be on a sugar free diet like my cousin Kavitha, but I’m trying to follow a sugar-light lifestyle. I can handle making main dishes that are free of sugar, but snacks are a different story. I easily gravitate toward something unhealthy when I’m looking for a snack. I have been eating cakes and chocolates every day for the last 6 months, but now I have begun to make healthy and delicious snacks, to avoid cakes and chocolates. It has been working very well and I’m going to experiment more with other healthy snacks too.

In our house, we need snacks when drinking coffee especially on weekends. I always prefer easy recipes that don’t take much time. I’ve been doing a lot of fruit and nut mixes, yogurt and smoothies, but now I’m trying to make spicy snacks to get some variations.

SAMSUNG CSCThese spicy chickpeas are so easy to make and a healthy way to get some protein in your diet. The only thing you have to do is, cook chickpeas and season it with chili powder, garlic powder, cumin powder, pepper and sea salt. I don’t use specific measurements for the seasoning. So I just mix the seasonings and taste until I am satisfied.




Opskrift på hjemmelavet p-tærter :)

Hej Hej der ude:)

I dag har jeg været i gang med at lave hjemmelavet p-tærter, så det vil jeg gerne dele med jer. Det er enkelt at lave og tærterne smager af meget mere end dem jeg er vant til at købe:)

foto 4


Jeg brugte til 20 stykker:

  • 5 skumfiduser
  • 150 g peanuts
  • 1 spsk. sukrin
  • 150 g mørk chokolade


  1. Hak skumfiduserne i små stykker og bland det med nødderne.
  2. Smelt chokoladen og bland det hele sammen.
  3. Tag en aflang fad/madkasse og kom bagepapir i bunden.
  4. Fordel massen i kassen og sæt det i fryseren i nogle timer.
  5. Skær stykkerne ud og server:)
  6. foto 1

    foto 2

    foto 3

    foto 4

Hygge hejsa og forsat god søndag:)

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